Tak's Travel Tips & When to VisitDenmark.....

Best Time to Visit Denmark

Short Answer: May through September, still bring a jacket.

Longer Answer: Denmark is a good place to visit in the summer when its warmer and there is more activity outside. While it is most comfortable Mid-May to Mid-September, it is still doable from Mid-April to Mid-October. Denmark typically doesn’t get hot, so you will need jacket at all times of the year; it just depends how thick. You can also plan on some precipitation, moreso if you are on the west coast.

If you are interesting in birding in Denmark, which is quite popular and one of the best countries in Europe for such, you will most likely want to go in Spring or Fall. April is a great month. For birding, the southwest coast of Jutland is a great birding spot. Good birding can also be seen up the western coast to the northern tip of Skagen. Near Copenhagen, check Vest Amager, the island where the airport is.

Miscellaneous Travel Tips for Denmark

On the western coast, check out Henne and then, half-hour to the south, Fano, a laid-back island with ferry service from Esbjerg.

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New York, NY
Internationally-published photographer with a passion for creative food, fine products, unique cultures and underground music. Twitter / Instagram / takw at triphash dot com

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February 2017