Hotel Policies – Saigon EditionTak's dispatch released on 15 October 2014

I am one to read hotel rules; makes a good activity while brushing teeth. Rule number five really got me thinking, what exactly constitutes a special case? How does the hotel manager decide an approval (of a “special case”) versus the denial? How awkward is that moment, and how often does this even happen? Enough to constitute inclusion on the hotel regulation sheet?

And pets being grouped with “weapons, toxics [sic], explosives and inflammables”…as long as the lizard that lives in my room doesn’t get tossed.

Hotel Rules in Saigon

Hotel Rules in Saigon

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New York, NY
Internationally-published photographer with a passion for creative food, fine products, unique cultures and underground music. Twitter / Instagram / takw at triphash dot com

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